A special door got 200 million views?!

Mar 20, 2024

Editing short-form just got easier…

… that is, if you’re a YouTube Shorts user in about a dozen countries, including Canada, Australia, the U.S., and Brazil. YouTube Create, Google’s mobile app that includes a suite of video editing tools, is expanding to 13 new markets. 

The app aims to make editing easier, including the use of stickers and effects. It’s also a not-so-subtle competitive play at TikTok’s built-in creative tools and filters, which have made editing short-form so simple for so many users.

It’s big news for those who create videos on the Shorts platform.  

What does this mean for you? If you have an Android in the U.S., it’s possible you’ve already been using the Create tool. And if not, it seems like the tool is on its way to more and more people.

But beyond this specific app, let’s zoom out: companies are clearly investing in short-form and looking to make the format easier than ever for creators to play around with. In other words? Short-form video is not going away. So… no time like the present to brainstorm more short-form ideas!

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In just under a month, this whimsical video is closing in on 200 million views. It’s a great example of kicking a video off with an attention-grabbing setup (what did he do to that book?!).

Of course, we know that setup is going to lead somewhere. What’s going to be the “final product” reveal?

The end result is stunning — and speaks to the emotions of wonder, surprise, and joy. Those feel-good emotions (all within a bite-sized 12 seconds) make this video uber-shareable.

Your takeaway: There’s probably something within your business that people might not understand immediately just by looking at it. But how can you take that initial head-scratching moment … and transform it into something wonderful? What short-form content can be the bridge between uncertainty — and an amazing transformation?

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