TikTok’s Latest Feature Will Help You Make More $

Jan 23, 2023

🖥 Introducing the Talent Manager Portal…

Last week, TikTok announced its newest system for allowing managers (with creator authorization) to handle all elements of brand deals in the Creator Portal on behalf of their creators. Now, managers can negotiate contracts, respond to brand feedback, and review various metrics of the campaign’s performance.

This is a win for creators, giving them extra leverage and support when approaching (or being approached) by brands for campaigns. It’s currently still in alpha testing, but is supposed to roll out to more creators soon.


🎥 What's Trending

In only 4 days, this video has racked up over 84 million views. Here’s why:

A woman in a bright hoodie has framed herself (poorly) cutting onions, with a glass pot cover positioned over her face. Already, this is a strange, but weirdly understandable, scene. In the background, we have our ‘victim’ (her “chef husband”) and know we’re waiting for his reaction.

We can relate to why she’s doing what she’s doing. We want to see, and are willing to wait for, her husband’s reaction. And of course, the audience is having a ball dissecting why she’s so bad at cutting onions in the comments section.

Your takeaway: Ask yourself how you can make your video more relatable. What is the audience waiting for? What are you giving them to talk about?

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