YouTube’s banning THIS come August 31st

Aug 17, 2023

YouTube improving shorts by eliminating links?

YouTube has introduced new changes to its Shorts content to enhance user security and improve the overall viewing experience. Starting August 31st, the platform is banning clickable links in comments to combat the increasing number of spam, scams, and phishing attempts.

This move has been seen as a response to user feedback and concerns over malicious activities. While some users appreciate the enhanced security, others are concerned about potential limitations to genuine interactions and sharing. YouTube assures that these changes are meant to maintain platform integrity while they find a balance between user security and engagement.

What this means for you: As a real person wanting to create genuine connections with your audience, this is good news.

Extra bonus news: YouTube announced Shorts will be prominently featured in the main feed to attract more attention, boost microlearning, and gain more traction for creators. All these changes will help creators monetize, boost subscribers, and maintain their enhanced experience. We, personally, can’t wait. Thanks, YouTube.

🎥 What's Trending

With over 56 million views and 14,000 comments, the internet is loving this sleepover gone wrong. Here’s what worked:

The creator grabbed attention with the title, “Sleepover disaster,” and generated curiosity with the video description, “He took things too far.” Then, he engineered an easy-to-follow and relatable storyline (complete with the cutest four-legged actor) that kept us watching. The entertaining journey sparked emotions of humor, warm-and-fuzzies, and maybe for some of us, activated some childhood traumas. What’s not to love?

Your takeaway: Ask yourself how you can use titles and your video description to grab attention and create curiosity. What emotions can you activate? And (if possible) what four-legged friend do you have that would be a willing participant in your storyline?

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